You don’t need to know much before you come by for your first class. But there are a few things that will help you get the most out of your training sessions. So from me to you, here are the top 7 things that you should know before you start our fitness program.
1.) You don’t need to be in shape to start our program. Just like you don’t need to get a haircut before you go to the barber. A haircut is what you are there for! Our fitness program will get you into shape, no matter where you are starting at. We understand that people start at different fitness levels and we scale back your workout to where you will be pushed, but not broken.
2.) You won’t get “too big” by weight lifting. Sure, some people who weight lift have big muscles. But that is because they worked long and hard to get there. You cannot get big by mistake. Instead, you will gain lean muscle, lose body fat, increase functional fitness, and become a healthier you. Try our fitness program. You will love the changes that you see in your body.
3.) You don’t need to bring anything but a bottle of water, a towel, and a good attitude. We have everything else that you need for your workout. We plan out the exercises and provide the equipment that you need. How’s that for service?
4.) You don’t need to know any of the exercises.” We teach you how to do each exercise at the start of every class. You will never be confused and not know what to do. We are there to help you every step of the way.
5.) We don’t make you do anything that you do not want to do.
6.) We are the most supportive community of fit people you will ever meet! Our job is to help you meet your health and fitness goals. Our group of trainers and clients all support one another as one big team. And we will commute to our family.
7.) We can’t wait to meet you! Get started by >>>CLICKING HERE